Hello World!
I am sure that the number one problem that all families of ALS patients face is Communication. Not only because ALS affects speech but also because most people don't know what to say to a person who was "normal" until now but is sick and disabled suddenly. This leads to situations of awkwardness, stress, despair, weird silence, or simply confused looks or blank stares. So I decided to jot down some tips from my own experience. Some of these might seem like stating the obvious, but trust me they are not so obvious. But they are very much doable. Be in a visible range while speaking The patient's range of neck movements maybe limited. Also the patient can gauge from the other person's expression whether the said thing is understood or not. Be at patient's eye level When you are stuck to a chair or bed the whole time, your perspective of looking at the world literally changes. It would make things a lot easier if I didn't have to look up all the time while...