It's a new new feeling

 ALS feels like you are thrown into the deep end of the pool. There are so many new feelings that you feel, most of them unpleasant, so many new situations that you face that no one prepares you for. In fact most of them may be overlooked. That is why I have tried to list them down.

Lack of Privacy 

You can kiss your privacy goodbye because when you need help for anything and everything there will be always someone around you. Not to mention that a bathroom visit is a whole event in itself, so everyone knows when you "go". So embarrassing! Sure you get alone time a lot, but the compromised privacy definitely takes getting used to. 

Random Touches

Thankfully sensory nerves remain unaffected in ALS. But the amount of physical interaction I need because of my limp body is something that I had to get used to. I have to be stood up, sat down, pushed, pulled, transferred, yanked, jostled to be comfortable enough.

Wheelchair rides

I need a manual wheelchair that has to be pushed by someone. It always feels like a roller coaster ride to me. Now if you are a person that enjoys roller coasters, well and good. But to me it feels scary especially when the wheelchair has to pulled in reverse over obstacles because I can't see where I am headed. Also, to be seen in a wheelchair is a mental barrier that us patients have to overcome.

Changed attitudes 

This definitely doesn't apply to everyone but some people's attitudes towards you will change over time. It is not so explicit  and I can't put my finger on it, but it feels like either your opinion does not carry as much weight as before or you feel pitied. Anyway, I am thankful to those who treat me like before.

Awkward conversations 

There are some awkward moments when people who have their heart in the right place don't know what to say to you. I just try to smile and nod. I wish "How to interact with persons with disability" was taught in schools and corporates.

The truth about ALS is there are a host of new feelings that you have to deal with and learn to do so in a short span of time. Honestly I can only say that you have to suck it up because there is no other choice.


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