ALS Cinderella

 If a fairy godmother turned up and granted me a wish to be ALS free for a day, how would I feel and what would I do?

For starters, what a joy it would be to wake up from bed whenever I wanted without being manhandled. To put my own two feet on the floor and feel my own weight! Bliss! I would brush my own teeth without getting hurt in the gums and take my own shower in a non hurried way. They say stop and smell the roses, well I would stop and smell the shampoo, lol. What a pleasure to pick and wear my own clothes and look trendy for a change. I would comb my gently without yanking out a few locks.

Now that I am ready and looking top notch its time to head out to eat. Oh how amazing it would be to watch and experience the outside world, I wonder what all has changed. At least I know that my city has a new metro line and a new sea bridge, well I sure would love to experience those. Although I have lost contact with being in the crowd so I would have to brave it out and reach my gastronomic destination.

How lovely it would be to eat with my own hands and use some cutlery and feel fancy. Don't even get me started on what I would eat. Since this is an imaginary situation anyway I am taking the liberty of having unlimited space in my tummy. Maybe I would start with the items that are not feeding friendly like pizza, penne pasta, noodles, subway sandwich, ice-cream. Then there are items that are not home delivery friendly like nachos or some street food items. Then there are items that I avoid for fear of pneumonia  like milkshakes or coke float.

With my stuffed tummy I would head to the beach and feel the sand on my toes and let the waves wash over my feet. Watch the sun go down. Head back home to chat with family with my mouth and not spend time with my own thoughts for a change. Go to bed peaceful, content and happy. Adjust my pillow and blanket to my own liking.

The truth about ALS is that the compromises a patient makes are often overlooked and forgotten. We are just humans craving a normal life.


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